Donation for Ukrainian Institutions

We support the installation of photovoltaic systems in Ukrainian institutions caring for children and/or hospitals by donating the electrical components of Easy Solar Systems. As in all other cases the recipients will have to organize the installation at their own cost.

Foundations involved

Regarding donations Easy Solar cooperates with Biohaus Stiftung

and their project supporting Ukraine.

Easy Solar and Biohaus-Stiftung work together with Greenpeace Ukraine

Please contact us ( gero.scholz(at) ) if you want to apply for a donation. We will discuss your situation with Biohaus Stiftung and Greenpeace.

Target audience

Displaced children and orphans are now living in childrens’ homes in western Ukraine. These homes have groups of different ages. Some of the them have different buildings which even integrate school teaching. We think that ES-Micro systems could be helpful for them.

Hospitals will normally need large systems. We may be able to help them If they can isolate important parts of their local grid so that the essential reduced demand matches the possibilities of ES-Hybrid systems.

How to apply for a donation

First describe your current situation in general (type of institution, significance for the community, current degree of stability of your regional electrical grid).

Then we need technical information like the exact geographic location of your building(s), together with photos from different perspectives, photos of the roof(s) – including their dimensions in meters, photos of the fuse box (door open) and of the room with the fuse box. You should also include a foto of the room where you would place the inverter and the battery. Identify and describe a way to lay cables from the panels to the intended location of inverter and batteries.

Apart from that we need detailed information on your energy consumption in the past, current and a prognosis for future. The intra-day distribution of your energy demand is an important fact.

We need a contact person who speaks English and we need administrative information about the size of your institution, the number of children/patients and staff living there, the name of the responsible head of your organsiation etc.

Then you must prove that you have a clear plan how to do the installation with your own staff and how to contract a certified electrician for the final connection to your grid. The information on our website should help you to understand what type of work is required and what material you will need for mounting the panels (depending on your roof). Note that the cheapest solution can be to put solar panels on ground if there is free exposure to sunlight. If you are applyig for an ES-Hybrid system you will need to put a fence around the area with panels and inverters due to their high voltages. For ES-Micro this is not necessary.

You should also look for used panels. There are companies and charity institutions who send new or used solar panels to Ukraine these days. Maybe Biohaus Stifung or Greenpeace can help you getting access to used panels.