ES-Hybrid Components

The parts you get when buying an ES-Hybrid system are:

  • Inverter
  • Communication parts: RF Stick Dongle, LAN BOX
  • Battery : BMS, Module(s), Stand(s)
  • Backup Box
  • Energy Meter


1 x Growatt 3-Phase Inverter mmm-ssKTL3-XH BP
where mmm-ss = MOD-5, MOD-10, MID-15, MID-20, MID-25, MID-30

Manual (German)

The inverter has no transformer. This means that the DC side has a changing voltage against earth. The battery connector has three sockets (plus, minus and ground)


1 x Growatt Shine Link Stick X + LAN Box
Manual (German)

ES-Hybrid systems connect via ethernet cable to your LAN. This makes it easier for us to pre-configure your system and it makes it easier for you to install it. Use a tiny WIFI-to-LAN bridge, if you do not have a LAN cable sufficiently close to the inverter. The inverter stick talks to the LAN Box via air; depending on your facilities it may be possible to place the LAN box way from the inverter and next to your internet router where you can easily connect it via a cable.


1..2 Growatt battery stands for APX HV batteries

This is just a mechanical platform for a stack of up to 4 battery units and the BMS box. Adjust the screws at the bottom to bring it into a stable horizontal position. For battery sizes of 25kWh or 30kWh you need two battery stands.

Growatt APX 98034-P2 Battery Management system

The controller for the battery units. It is connected via three thick DC power cables to the inverter and via a thin RS 485 cable as well. The latter cares for cooperation between inverter and BMS. The BMS can be updated and monitored from remote.

1 .. 6 x Growatt APX 5.0P-B1 Hochvolt 5kWh Batterie (including BMS)

A battery unit contains LiFePo cells which are arranged in a way that they need a fairly high voltage (~500V) for charging and discharging. Multiple units are connected in parallel.


Growatt SYN 50 XH 30 three phase back up box

short manual (German)

Normally the backup box connects the external grid, the inverter and the critical loads (aka emergency loads) directly. In case of a power fail the grid will be separated and the regular loads will also be cut off. The emergency loads will get energy from the battery and/or from the solar panels. The backup box is connected via two 3-phase AC cables to the inverter. and also via an RS485 control cable. The backup box must also be connected to your critical loads (AC three phases).
If you feel that your battery capacity and the power produced by the solar panels will be more or less sufficient to provide full energy to most or all of your devices for the assumed period of blackout, you can simply connect the main lines of your fuse box to the emergency power output of the backup box. You could then still assure manually that energy hungry devices (oven, climatization, washing machine, dryer, compressors) will be switched off in due time after grid loss.


Smart Meter TPM-CT-E

installation manual

A bidirectional counter which uses sensors to measure the current flow between your premises and the external grid.

Wiring Diagram


We list prices found in the German web (no V.A.T.) in Jan 2025.

We refer to the smallest system, an ES-Hybrid-5-5
We think that 16 panels (8 per string, facing East/West) will make a reasonable configuration.

MOD5 KTL3 XM BP inverter        850 €
SYN 50 XH 30 backup switch      300 €
Shine X WIFI Stick and LAN Box   30 €
TPM-CT-E                        260 €
APX battery base                 30 €
APX 98020-P1 BMS                280 €
APX 5.0P-B1 battery unit      1.200 €
16 panels (2 x 8)               800 €
                            ~ 3.800 €

You must add cost for DC cables (70€ and panel mounting material 640€ or more, depending on your situation).

Your total investment will be ~ 4.500€ plus your work.

The sum of the peak powers of the panels is 7.120W because we suggest to use 445W panels. This theoretical maximum power will in reality hardly be achieved at any moment. It is good practice to choose the panels larger than the inverter’s peak power limit. Using 16 panels will be fine, especially when using East/West orientation. If you use older panels you might even connect 20 or more panels. By the way, the inverter has bult-in overload protection, so there is no danger in connecting that number of panels. Just make sure you keep within the limits of maximum voltage and short circuit current.

You can expect 7.000 kWh annual production and a self use percentage of 70%. If you pay 30 ct / kWh your annual saving will be 1.500€; this means that your ROI is close to three years – which is excellent!