ES-Hybrid is based on Growatt products. For example an ES-Hybrid-14-10 system uses the following components:
1 x Growatt 3-Phase Inverter MOD-10KTL3-XH BP
The inverter has no transformer. This means that the DC side has a changing voltage against earth.
1 x Growatt Shine Link Stick X + LAN Box
Manual (German)
1 x Growatt battery stand for APX HV batteries
1 x Growatt APX 98034-P2 Battery Management system
2 x Growatt APX 5.0P-B1 Hochvolt 5kWh Batterie (including BMS)
Growatt SYN 50 XH 30 three phase back up box (288€)
single phase, connected to critical loads
Wiring Diagram
We list prices we found in the German web (no V.A.T.) in Jan 2025.
We refer to the smallest system, an ES-Hybrid-7-5
We think that 16 panels (8 per string, facing East/West) will make a reasonable configuration.
MOD5 KTL3 XM BP inverter 850
SYN 50 XH 30 backup switch 300
Shine X WIFI Stick and LAN Box 30
TPM-CT-E 260
APX battery base 30
APX 98020-P1 BMS 280
APX 5.0P-B1 battery unit 1.200
16 panels (2 x 8) 800
~ 3.700€
You must add cost for DC cables (70€ and panel mounting material 640€ or more, depending on your situation).
Your total investment will be ~ 4.500€ plus your work.
The sum of the peak powers of the panels is 7.120W because we suggest to use 445W panels. This theoretical maximum power will in reality hardly be achieved at any moment. It is good practice to choose the panels larger than the inverter’s peak power limit. Using 16 panels will be fine, especially when using East/West orientation. If you use older panels you might even connect 20 or more panels. By the way, the inverter has bult-in overload protection, so there is no danger in connecting that number of panels. Just make sure you keep within the limits of maximum voltage and short circuit current.
You can expect 7.000 kWh annual production and a self use percentage of 70%. If you pay 30 ct / kWh your annual saving will be 1.500€; this means that your ROI is close to three years – which is excellent!