ES-Micro Family

ES-Micro is the cheapest solution. It is very easy and safe to install because it operates at low voltages on panel side and on battery side. In some cases you will not even need an electrician.

The ES-Micro models tolerate varying sunlight conditions because the inverters optimise the use of each panel individually. They can live with a mixture of old (used) panels and brand new panels. You can add a battery, typically a modern Lithium 48V battery. However, if you have access to used batteries with older technology it may even be possible to use them. The overall energy storage efficiency is around 77% – which is not perfect but acceptable in many cases.

The ES-Micro family is designed for a range of 2-16kWp. By default it feeds all its energy into your building and any surplus will go into the grid. Grid feeding can be delimited if this is required by legal restrictions or by your grid provider’s rules.

In combination with a battery the ES-Micro family will provide energy from the battery during off-grid periods. Even more, some of its panels will be able to produce solar energy in such periods.

Your ES-Micro devices will come preconfigured so that they work out of the box. If you do not object, we will occasionally have a look at the production data of your system. With your permisssion we would also like to publish your production data in anonymized form on our website. In case we see any problems or if firmware updates are necessary we may be able to help you. Of course you have admin access to your system and can monitor all data via browser or via an app on your mobile device. It is possible to monitor each single panel individually.

ES-Micro Models are characterized by two numbers and an optional suffix.

  • The first number is the number of micro inverters used.
  • The second number is the nominal battery capacity in rounded kWh
  • A CS suffix means the capabilty to operate in island mode right from powering up
  • Each ES-Micro inverter tracks four panels and produces directly AC-220
  • A low voltage battery (48 V) with backup capability can be connected


ES-Micro-6-10-CS = 6 micro inverters with a battery capacity of 10 kWh; the system has the ability to start without grid. Solar peak power would be 6 x 4 x 450Wp = 10.8 kWp. Under good sunlight conditions such a system will produce ~ 10kW AC.

Note that you will sometimes find the term “balcony solar system” in combination with micro inverters. You might also read something about delimiting maximum output power to 800 Watts. It is important to understand two aspects of ES-Micro: technology and legislation.